New York throughs the book at texting drivers

Drivers in New York beware. The Senate has put through a new law that will make texting while driving a primary offense. New York is just one of a few states left where texting and driving (or talking on the phone and driving) is a secondary offense. Out of 31 states that ban using mobile devices while driving, New York is one of four states where it isn’t a primary offense. What does this mean for drivers who use their mobile devices while on the road? As a secondary offense,…

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North Dakota new texting while driving law in effect

North Dakota joined ranks with thirty other states that have enacted laws to decrease distracted driving accidents. Most of the states, including North Dakota, have taken aim at the use of cell phones while driving. Eight states have banned all use of (hand held) cell phones while driving. Thirty one states, including North Dakota have banned texting and driving. Statistics show that drivers who use their phones are four times more likely to be in a serious accident. The use of mobile devices was found to be the number one…

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