Chronically ill patients can receive patient for life insurance from The Hartford

Chronically ill clients of The Hartford can now benefit from a new patient for life insurance system that has been awarded to the insurer, to advance the death benefit of a policy in order to offer those patients an income. For the first time in the insurance industry, consumers will be able to obtain an income from the LifeAccess Accelerated Benefit Rider® system, which provides chronically ill patients with an income that they can use for whatever they want, including paying family or friends to provide them with home care.…

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Insurance leader unveils new CyberRisk product

Travelers Bond & Financial Products has released their latest product, CyberRisk, which has been designed to minimize the cyber exposure and connected risks to their business clients.  According to the product manager of the leading insurance company, Jason Glasgow, “Cyber risks leave businesses exposed regardless of size, industry or track record.”  He explained that though organizations may put many powerful strategies into place in order to limit their exposure opportunities, there remain a large range of additional risks beyond obtaining data within a single hacker attack.  Cyber liability for a…

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