National Insurance Crime Bureau finds high level of insurance fraud in Florida

California Insurance company Fraud scam

Florida leads the country in insurance fraud, according to National Insurance Crime Bureau Florida has attracted a significant amount of focus when it comes to fraud in its insurance sector over the past few years. The state’s no-fault auto insurance laws, and some regulations concerning homeowners insurance, have allowed the sector to be easily manipulated and exploited in the past. State legislators recently began overhauling Florida laws to cut down on fraudulent activities, but have found only modest success. The National Insurance Crime Bureau has released new information showing that…

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Top cities for vehicle theft named by NICB

Vehicle Theft black friday auto insurance claims

For the second straight year, Fresno tops the National Insurance Crime Bureau list of top cities for vehicle theft. California tops the list… The NICB list states that approximately 761,500 vehicles were stolen in 2011, which was a drop from the year before by a mere 3 percent. These numbers are based on statistics released by the FBI. Fresno was at the top of the list and was not the only city in California to make the top ten. Modesto came in second and Bakersfield was in third, giving CA…

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Auto insurance statistics show that 1994 Honda Accord is still the most stolen vehicle

Most stolen car

The National Insurance Crime Bureau has released the latest theft data. For the fourth year in a row, the auto insurance theft statistics have shown that the 1994 Honda Accord is the most frequently stolen vehicle in the United States. The National Insurance Crime Bureau has released its latest report, revealing this information. Many of the top vehicles on the 2011 list of stolen cars identified by the National Insurance Crime Bureau are made up of older models. In fact, not a single model that was manufactured within the last…

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Ohio leads all other U.S. states for metal theft insurance claims

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, Ohio is the state in which there are the largest number of property insurance claims due to the theft of metals such as copper. This insurance fraud-fighting industry-supported organization revealed that there were 2,398 claims of this nature made by property owners in Ohio, within the three year span from 2009 to 2011. Comparatively, across the country, there were more than 25,000 claims of this type within that same period of time. This represents an increase of 81 percent over the number of…

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NICB announces Q3 increase in questionable claims by 7 percent

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) has released its third quarter 2011 results from its referral reason analysis of questionable claims (QC). This report investigates six different types of claim referral reason categories. They are: workers’ compensation, casualty, property, commercial, vehicle, and miscellaneous. It compared the results among the third quarters of every year from 2009 to 2011. Questionable claims are those that are made to member insurance companies of NICB which must be referred to the bureau for closer review and potential investigation as a result of certain red…

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