Seniors may be missing out on $112 billion in life insurance settlements

Elderly selling their life insurance to get pay out

Life settlements are being forfeited every year United States residents over the age of 65 are losing out on a collective $112 billion in life insurance settlements every year, according to a new report from the Life Insurance Settlement Association. The report notes that consumers are losing out on life insurance benefits because of lapsed coverage or because they choose to surrender their coverage. The organization suggests that the potential size of the life settlement market in the United States is “simply astounding.” Report shows that a typical life insurance…

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China’s insurance industry is surging

china newspaper mobile life insurance products

Insurance industry is experiencing rampant growth as more consumers purchase coverage China’s insurance industry is experiencing a period of rapid growth, according to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. The organization has released information that showed that the country’s insurers have recorded a total premium income of $320.5 billion in 2014. Premiums revenue has grown by 17.5% last year, the highest margin it has grown by in the past three years. The insurance industry has been experiencing a surge as more people purchase coverage in several different sectors. Consumers are using…

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Life insurance won’t be impacted by doctor-assisted suicide ruling

life insurance industry canada

An industry association has said that the Canadian court decision won’t have a significant affect. An insurance industry association has released a statement with regards to the potential affect on life insurance of the very recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada that has overturned the previous ban that had prohibited doctor-assisted suicide. The association said that the impact that will occur on that industry will not be a significant one. The ruling from the top Canadian court was made on Friday, in a unanimous decision to strike down…

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Insurance fraud warning issued in Georgia

California Insurance company Fraud scam

Insurance Commissioner issues a warning concerning insurance fraud Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner, Ralph Hudgens, has issued a warning to consumers regarding insurance fraud. The insurance industry has been dealing with fraud for nearly as long as it has existed, but new threats are beginning to emerge in the digital world that the industry may not be prepared to deal with effectively. Conventional methods of fraud are also becoming more resilient to the measures that the insurance industry is taking to thwart them. Consumers are receiving calls from fraudulent representatives of life…

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New York law helps ensure the longevity of life insurance benefits

life insurance agent policy

Governor Cuomo signs legislation focused on life insurance coverage into law A new law in New York will ensure that consumers will get to keep their life insurance policies if their issuing insurer goes out of business. The legislation was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo, who believes that the law is necessary to ensure that consumers retain the coverage that they rely on. Typically, if an insurance company goes out of business, the policies it was responsible for become void, unless they are purchased by another insurance provider.…

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