Indian shipping firms to transport oil despite sanctions

Insurance news

EU sanctions putting strain on shipping industry As Europe and the U.S. begin to tighten sanctions against Iran, concerns regarding the impact these sanctions will have on the shipping industry have grown. Over the past year, sanctions have caused ripples in the industry because they threatened to prevent shipping firms that transport Iranian oil from obtaining insurance coverage. Pushed forward by the European Union, these sanctions banned maritime insurers from covering ships that carried Iranian oil. Some insurers have been granted waivers allowing them to cover these vessels, but coverage…

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Insurance woes spark fires in New Zealand

Christchurch New Zealand Insurance earthquake court

Christchurch the home of rising insurance fraud New Zealand’s Christchurch continues to wrangle with ongoing insurance troubles amidst persistent aftershocks stemming from a major earthquake disaster in late 2010. The quake caused extensive damage throughout the Christchurch region and caused a large exodus of many of the country’s insurance providers. This flight of insurers left much of the region without insurance, which led to various government initiatives aimed at providing some amount of stability to those that still lived in the area. Now, however, a new trend has emerged within…

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Insurance for the Olympic Games a major issue for UK insurers

Insurance professionals prepared to provide coverage for the Olympics There is a scant one hundred days before the 2012 Olympic Games begin in the United Kingdom. Preparations for the event are still underway and London’s insurance community is beginning to feel the pressure. Many of the city’s insurance agents and providers have been working for over a year to establish a safety net for the event. The Olympics is fraught with risk as the event attracts thousands of foreign visitors and athletes and collects them into a single, localized area.…

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Latest international insurance news shows German insurers seeking strategies around low interest rates


German insurance industry brainstorming for financial relief. Germany is making international insurance news as its life insurance companies attempt to come up with new strategies that will help to dig themselves out of the financial trouble that the country’s low interest rates are causing for them. The insurers within this largest economy in Europe are looking into various different ways to overcome the drop in income they are suffering from their investments. Some of them include offering policyholders shorter maturity guarantees for their policies, or greater flexibility. According to Maximilian…

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EU “unisex” laws take their tolls on the finances of both men and women

The latest rule changes in the European Union involving unisex pricing have meant that at the end of this year, when the regulations go into effect, men and women will both be facing expenses that they have never seen before. A primary example of this change is the ruling that prevents gender discrimination while establishing auto insurance premiums – regardless of the fact that it is less likely that a woman driver will be involved in a car accident than a man driver, and that crashes involving female drivers are…

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