A recent analysis has shown that in 2010, the most expensive individual health rates in the country were in Massachusetts and Vermont, with premiums up to and higher than $400 per month per person, which is about twice the average of the country. The information was collected by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which drew the data from the insurance company filings to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and discovered a significant discrepancy in the rates charged from one state to the next. The researchers are referring to their analysis…
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Massachusetts seeks relief from increasing health insurance costs
Several union organizations in Massachusetts are preparing to make an announcement today regarding a proposal on municipal health insurance. State legislators have been seeking a way to control the costs of insurance before they begin spiraling out of control. Governor Deval Patrick has been pushing for approval to give municipal leaders more authority to make changes to health insurance coverage. A number of municipal and school district leaders call rising insurance costs “budget busters.” They blame the costs associated with health insurance for cut backs in services and employee layoffs.…
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