Is homeowners insurance enough to protect residents against fracking

Texas homeowners insurance fracking wastewater earthquakes

Property owners in areas where hydrofracking are discovering that they may not be as safe as they thought. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is spreading to a growing number of regions across the United States, and while the method of extracting natural gas from the Earth is a controversial one, homeowners insurance policyholders are starting to wonder how much protection they truly have against some of the potential damaging events that could occur as a result of the technique. In a number of parts of the U.S., many are…

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Earthquake insurance sales continue their growth in Oklahoma

fracking oklahoma earthquake insurance

As the state continues to experience one quake after the next, experts are cautioning residents to be ready for more. May was a month that brought a rash of quakes to Oklahoma (which many are blaming on the hydraulic fracturing, “fracking” being conducted in the state), and this has caused homeowners to purchase earthquake insurance, as experts warn that more tremors are likely on their way. This recent trend has been causing this sector of this insurance industry to experience rapid growth. As a person’s home is likely the largest…

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