A health care crisis brewing in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s adultBasic health insurance program is in danger if being terminated as it faces steep shortfalls in funding. The program is one of the few entirely state-funded insurance programs that cater to low-income adults and families that do not qualify for Medicaid. Currently, 42,000 people are covered by the program, with another 500,000 on the waiting list, hoping to get coverage. If the program is terminated, they will have no insurance until the Medicaid program is expanded in 2014. AdultBasic has been facing complications since last year and the program…

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Mississippi state reform takes shape

The Mississippi Senate has taken the first steps in establishing the framework for the state’s insurance exchange program by approving a plan that will allow employers to purchase group health insurance policies from anywhere in the United States. The hope is to bring more options and competitive products by offering consumers the availability of outside markets.  The House passed the bill to enact the exchange by an 83-33 vote on Monday. Supporters of the program say that it is a critical move to help citizens and businesses obtain the coverage they need while providing…

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New report shows that more than half of America is sick

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

A study released by the Department of Health and Human Services, released today, declares that some 129 million Americans under the age of 65 suffer from preexisting medical conditions that could hinder their ability to obtain coverage or send their premiums skyrocketing. The study comes as the House of Representatives begins hearing a proposed bill to repeal the health-care overhaul of 2010. According to the old rules, insurers could deny applicants based on whether they had a preexisting condition, whether that is a birth defect or cancer, and if not…

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Pennsylvania health care for low income families in danger

Children’s Health Insurance Program kids

The low-cost health insurance program for Pennsylvania is on shaky ground today.   The low-cost health insurance program for Pennsylvania is on shaky ground today. Providing coverage for more than 40,000 adults, the program is in deep danger of being shut down due to dwindling funds.  In a recent announcement, Governor Ed Rendell office stated that money for this program will run dray by the end of February. Governor-elect Tom Corbett is encouraging the state’s nonprofit health insurance providers to allow enrollees into “Special Care” plans, funded by insurers. On…

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Turn-out for Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan Not as Expected

Turn-out for Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan Not as Expected

A newly released feature of the health care reform which allows people who have been previously rejected for coverage due to pre-existing health issues is not attracting as many consumers as expected. Some states are claiming the costs for existing high risk pools are already too high, and many worry that the 5 billion dollars allotted by congress as a start up for the plans may not be enough to cover the claims. The federal health officials argue that the new insurance plan is only experiencing “growing pains”. It will…

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