Estimated 10 million people expected to enroll in health insurance exchanges by the end of the year

health insurance agents websites

HHS predicts that many more people will enroll in state-based insurance exchanges by the end of this year The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services expects that some 10 million people will enroll for health insurance coverage through state-based exchanges by the end of this year. More than one-quarter of those without insurance in the country are expected to sign up for policies that suit their needs during the upcoming open enrollment period. The enrollment period is scheduled to begin on November 1, running through January 31, 2016. 8.8…

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Health insurance exchanges serve as effective safety net

online health insurance technology exchange

Federal data shows that consumers can find coverage through exchanges if they have lost their insurance Health insurance exchanges in the United States are performing well as a safety net for those that lose their coverage. The federal government has released data concerning how exchanges operate as a safety net, which is something that is often overlooked by those involved in the insurance sector. These exchanges were meant to expand the availability of insurance coverage to millions of consumers, but they have also managed to ensure that people have a…

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Health insurance subsidies upheld by Supreme Court

U.S. Health Insurance

Supreme Court rules in favor of insurance subsidies through all exchanges The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a ruling on the King v. Burwell case. The case involved certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act that provided subsidies for health insurance exchanges throughout the country. In these exchanges, consumers can find various types of coverage at different price ranges, but most people receive subsidies that offset the cost of this coverage. The case involved whether or not the federal government can provide subsidies in states where in manages an exchange,…

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Covered California launches massive health insurance data collection campaign

California health insurance

Covered California will be collecting data to better understand the insurance market California’s health insurance exchange, called Covered California, is set to launch a large-scale data-mining project that will aim to shed light on the way people are using their insurance coverage. The organization will collect information from the insurance companies providing policies through the exchange and it will also collect data concerning how these policies are used. Covered California will also record doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescription information. Some are concerned about the security of their information With…

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Young adults are struggling to understand health insurance

online health insurance technology exchange

Study highlights a lack of awareness of insurance terms and difficulty navigating Young adults may be having trouble enrolling in health insurance exchanges through, according to a study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The study revealed that many young adults had trouble navigating the federal insurance platform, which may come as a surprise considering that this demographic tends to be quite tech-savvy. This difficulty may be the result of the federal network’s structure, which has been criticized in the past for being ineffective. Lack of understanding could…

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