Many people think it costs considerably more to insure their vehicle than is actually the case. It’s that time of year again, when riders head back onto the road and have to make sure they have all the motorcycle insurance they require wherever they intend to go. It’s always a good idea to review your policy each year to be sure you still have the right coverage. Motorcycle insurance is required by law in most states across the country. While many riders will bristle at that news, what’s important to…
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Understanding what is required from motorcycle insurance
The Motorcycle Industry Council’s data indicates that more than half – 55 percent – of all motorcycle riders were aged 40 or higher as of 2008, and this has changed the landscape of motorcycle insurance. In 1990 – a mere eight years earlier – only one-quarter of all motorcycle riders were in that same age bracket. These drivers are no longer people who are young and feel that they are invincible. Instead, the average motorcycle rider typically has a minimum of some college education, with a great deal more in…
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