Officials in the state feel that residents simply are not taking the threat of a quake seriously enough. State officials in California and earthquake insurance companies are working together to help to boost the sense of urgency among the residents, as the vast majority of homeowners do not have any kind of coverage against quake damage. The latest official estimate is that as much as 10 percent of Californian homes have quake insurance. The problem that seems to be holding people back from buying earthquake insurance for their homes is…
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Will earthquake insurance sales rise with popularity of “San Andreas” movie?
The film starting Dwayne Johnson has triggered a preparedness trend among California residents. For people who live in California, the ever looming threat of the “Big One” is not something new, but the popularity of the “San Andreas” movie has spurred an interest in earthquake insurance and other preparedness steps and products. The question that is now being asked is whether this could help Californians to step out of a phase of denial. The release of the “San Andreas” movie occurred shortly after the release of a US Geological Survey…
Read MoreEarthquake insurance is becoming more important in California
Homeowners may need to prepare for an earthquake with the right kind of insurance coverage The United States Geological Survey has released a report that warns that California may experience a major earthquake in the next 30 years. The report claims that an earthquake of a magnitude of 6.7 or higher is coming, but there is no telling exactly when in the next three decades the event will come. Those living in the state may need to prepare for the disaster, but most Californian homeowners are unaware that there is…
Read MoreEarthquake insurance may soon be more important than many Californians realize
A new scientific report has shown that the state will nearly definitely be hit by a massive quake inside three decades. The results of a new U.S. Geological Survey are now showing that earthquake insurance could become one of the most important investments that the residents of California can purchase in order to protect themselves. The scientific report has shown that before 30 years have passed, the state will see a mega-quake almost definitely. The industry has been warning about the importance of earthquake insurance, particularly areas along the San…
Read MoreCalifornia is taking steps to promote earthquake insurance
Few homeowners in California have insurance protection against earthquakes Few people in California have earthquake insurance, and this is being considered a significant problem by the California Earthquake Authority and state lawmakers. The organization has begun working with Assemblyman Ken Cooley in order to address the issue. New legislation has been introduced, highlighting the lack of insurance coverage for the state’s homeowners. The legislation is expected to take effect in 2016 and requires insurers to provide homeowners with easily understood information regarding their insurance coverage and earthquake coverage. The number…
Read MoreEarthquake insurance is too expensive to be worth the risk in California
For many people in the state, the premiums are higher than the perception of the threat. Just over a week ago, the Napa Valley of California was shaken by a 6.0 magnitude tremor that led to surprising amounts of damage, particularly in terms of broken bottles of alcohol, but at the same time, on the whole, homeowners and business owners still feel that earthquake insurance is too expensive to be worthwhile. Even some of the companies most affected were not convinced that insurance coverage would be worth the price. Despite…
Read MoreEarthquake insurance policies held by as few as 6% in Napa, California
Despite the risk that is present in that part of the country, very few homes and businesses are covered. Even though Californians live in a state that is known to be located on active fault lines, the vast majority of residents and business owners still are not buying earthquake insurance. This fact came into the spotlight as a quake shook the Napa Valley region over the weekend. Northern California was shaken by a 6.1 magnitude tremor early on Sunday, taking people in populated areas quite off guard. Fires started, buildings…
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