Insurance news from Australia shows surprising spending of disaster payouts

insurance news

Many victims are using their funds to help to pay their vet bills for pet care. A recent insurance news report has shown that the disaster emergency fund payments are being spent in ways that were not expected, as data indicates that thousands of policyholders are spending half of the money they collect on veterinary bills. The statistics were collected through cumulative figures generated by emergency fund debit card use. In order to help disaster victims as quickly as possible, the insurance news reported, insurers have been issuing debit cards…

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Insurance news from Australia shows growing fire damage

insurance industry news bush fire

Warnings have been issued as the flames from the wildfires continue to spread in Tasmania. The latest insurance news from Australia is that the insurers in the country are now issuing warnings to businesses and homeowners in order to be vigilant with their coverage as the wildfires continue to rage their way throughout the island state. The heat wave conditions continue to sizzle throughout the region, giving no respite from the fires. Rob Whelan, the chief executive of the Insurance Council of Australia, has stated that the continuing stream of…

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Business insurance premiums will rise following rate cut

Business Insurance Rates

A campaign from the Reserve Bank will cause companies in Australia to pay more for coverage. One of Australia’s leading business insurance companies has revealed that it will be required to increase the premiums it charges in order to compensate for the aggressive cut in rates by the Reserve Bank, which are eating into the insurer’s investment earnings. This latest news was announced ahead of the monthly meeting of the country’s central bank. The commercial arm of the business Insurance Australia Group has stated that it doesn’t see any other…

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New disability insurance program to be launched in Australia, will provide high-quality coverage to thousands

A new multi-billion dollar insurance initiative is underway from the Australian government. The Victoria region has been chosen for this insurance plan which is targeting at the nations disabled. Officials hail the plan as the most sweeping social reform since the advent of Medicare. The plan is a $6 billion behemoth which will seek to provide high-quality, long-term care for those that have significant disabilities regardless of the origin of the disability. The plan comes on the recommendation of the Productivity Commission, the government’s independent research and advisory board. The…

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Suncorp reveals how much they paid on Australia and New Zealand disasters this year

Earlier this year, Australia and New Zealand faced an onslaught of natural disasters that put strain on the two nation’s top insurer: Suncorp. Several estimates have been made as to how much the disasters cost the company, but Suncorp had not released any official statement regarding the issue. Yesterday, however, their silence was broken as the company hopes to improve its relationship with several reinsurance company in an effort to increase its profits for the 2011-12 fiscal year. According to Suncorp, the two devastating earthquakes that rocked New Zealand –…

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Australia: Property insurance risk are being recalculated

The flooding that struck Australia’s Queensland some months back was expected to have severe ramifications on the insurance industry. Now, officials are reporting that rates for homeowners are going to be raised by as much as 30%. Queensland residents have been receiving renewal notices for their policies’ premiums will be increasing. Many of these policyholders own property that survived the flooding without any damage, leading them to question the rate increase. Insurers claim a myriad of reasons behind the rate increase. While the flooding is a prominent factor, they assert…

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