The federal healthcare reforms have established a number of new requirements, which must be understood.
The Affordable Care Act has changed a number of the regulations in terms of health insurance, and many of them apply to young adults, who could end up having to pay an increasingly large fine if they don’t obtain the appropriate coverage.
Young adults are having to learn about their coverage requirements for the first time in their lives.
This age group is dealing with a sudden health insurance requirement. They are finding that they have a serious debate over whether they will be better able to afford their premiums or the fines that they could face by remaining uncovered. However, as the details of the state exchanges and the actual individual requirements become more readily available, young adults are discovering that there are some affordable options available.
This age group is also discovering the importance of health insurance to their financial futures.
With the additional information available, they are also realizing that there is great financial value to health insurance, as well as supplemental coverage such as that for serious illnesses like cancer. Though the premiums may cause budgets to tighten slightly, they can prevent financial devastation in the case of an accident or a major medical diagnosis.
Moreover, health insurance has the potential to assist young people in staying healthier, with the availability of coverage for certain forms of preventive tests. Millions of young adults are now the primary focus of the insurance industry, as well as for many federal and state officials. They will make up the bulk of those who will be covered for the first time starting in 2014 when the Affordable Care Act goes into full effect.
Agents are also arming themselves with the health insurance information that they require in order to be able to properly advise people within this age group, such as those whose parents do not have coverage that can protect them, those who have just turned 27 and are therefore too old to continue on their parents’ coverage, or those who are graduating from college and therefore cannot continue on their school plan.