Health insurance study shows limited networks don’t hurt

health insurance news

Research in Massachusetts has revealed that these strategies don’t cause any harm to patients and they save money. Despite the fact that the majority of patients don’t like hearing that they can’t go to a certain hospital or see a certain doctor because of the limited network of coverage provided by their health insurance, this type of plan is becoming increasingly commonplace. These “limited” network plans (also known as “narrow”) are being seen more often than ever before. The reason is that these health insurance policies are typically cheaper for…

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Usage based insurance boosts popularity by assuaging privacy concerns

usage based insurance auto car tracking gps

Both consumers and commercial fleets are increasingly embracing UBI programs and their tracking devices. Consumers and managers of commercial fleets, alike, are experiencing a shift in their opinions with regards to usage based insurance, as the benefits of being able to save money and encourage safer driving practices appear to be winning out over concerns with regards to privacy. These auto insurance programs have been slow to be accepted due to the telematics devices that track vehicles. Drivers are starting to discover that there are some considerable financial benefits that…

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Auto insurance will be required on all Mexican federal roads

car auto insurance

Though state laws aren’t changing with regards to coverage, federal highways and bridges are different. Coverage is going to be mandatory whether you’re a citizen of the country or you’re driving across the border for a fun vacation, so auto insurance policies should be checked to ensure that they are adequate. New amendments to the laws in the country have determined that car insurance is a necessity for drivers. Though there is still a considerable rate of uninsured drivers in the country, for those who want to head out on…

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Federal insurance exchange website hacked

hacked phone federal health insurance exchange

The hacker was able to break in and upload malicious software, but reports say that personal data remained safe. According to federal officials, a hacker was able to make its way into the federal insurance exchange website back in July and even managed to upload malicious software into the site. That said, investigators have stated that there is no evidence that consumer personal data was accessed. They said that personal data of consumers was neither viewed nor taken during the breach of the federal insurance exchange site. At the…

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Fire insurance policy used by Oregon to cover wildfires

fire insurance home

The state has already managed to burn its way through the deductible and is being assisted by its coverage. Oregon has now started to reach into its fire insurance coverage in order to help pay for the rising cost of battling wildfires in the state, and this is the second year in a row that it has been required to do so. This year, the number of acres that have been burned down have exceeded the average of the last decade. In fact, the wildfires in Oregon have tripled the…

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