The only sure thing in life is that it can be unpredictable. Accidents or illness can strike at any time. Guarding your home and future should be a necessity in any household budget. Although many people don’t think that insurance is necessary, when the unthinkable happens it is good to be protected. Even the most unlikely scenarios like being a victim of a home invasion can happen to anyone at any time. If you are injured and can no longer work it can be devastating financially, emotionally and physically. Having…
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Water safety must be continued throughout the length of the season
Even though the summer is on its way to a close, it remains just as important to keep up proper water safety efforts as it was at the very beginning of the season and at its hottest points. According to the coordinator for the Safe Kids of Douglas County, Meaghan Tilton, the second most common cause of death among children between the ages of 1 and 4 is drowning. She explained that “We’re focusing on pool safety because that’s where younger children are most likely to drown.” The program is…
Read MoreHogan’s malpractice suit gets thrown out
Wells Fargo Insurance Services Inc. in Florida has been sued for business malpractice by celebrity Hulk Hogan. Mr. Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) sued Wells Fargo for failing to protect his assets properly, by providing him with an umbrella policy. Mr. Hogan was sued over an auto accident his son had in 2007, which left a passenger in his car with permanent brain damage. Even though both vehicles involved in the accident were his own; his vehicles’ insurance maximum payment was 250 thousand, per vehicle. With inadequate coverage, he was…
Read MoreHulk Hogan exposed…are you?
The former wrestling star, Terry Bollea aka Hulk Hogan, is learning the hard way about proper insurance coverage limits. Hogan’s son was involved in a car accident in 2007 resulting in serious injuries to his passenger, John Graziano. At the time of the incident the Hogan’s only had a limit of $250,000 bodily injury liability…no umbrella or excess liability. Totally exposed and unprotected, a second lawsuit for negligence has been filed on April 22, 2010, now attacking his personal assets. Many think this situation will never happen to them, plus not many have celebrity status,…
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