Some workers may find that their rates will be rising, but others will be seeing them fall. Just as federal employees just faced an increase in the premiums that they pay for long term care coverage, they have now discovered that some life insurance rates may also be rising for their policies in 2016. This latest change in insurance rates will affect a much wider number of people, as many opt out of LTC. According to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), while some people will be seeing a rise…
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The return of the long-term care services funding debate
According to an online article in Forbes on March 14, following the end of the CLASS Act last year, there has been a great deal of concern about the way that the needs for long-term care by the elderly and disabled younger adults, will be financed in the United States. Federal officials and about two dozen states have now taken a fresh step to rectify this problem, working with insurance company executives, advocates, and researchers in a meeting that lasted almost six hours for an idea exchange. The group was…
Read MoreJohn Hancock announces re-entry into individual long-term care insurance in California
John Hancock has announced that it will be resuming its place as a part of the California individual long-term care insurance marketplace, starting on February 27, 2012, through both its Custom Care III (non-Partnership) and its new California Partnership policy. These two policies will provide comprehensive long-term care coverage for all circumstances, such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes, adult day-care centers, and at home, and will also provide the policyholder with care planning and care giving support. The president of John Hancock long-term care insurance, Marianne Harrison, expressed the…
Read MoreChoosing the right long-term care policy to cover your needs
The percentage of people who have purchased life insurance has currently reached a figure that is lower than it has been in half a century, as many people debate whether or not the coverage is worth their money when they are already tightening their belts in an economy that continues to struggle in its recovery. Life insurance differs from standard medical insurance in that it provides coverage for individuals who require assistance with their daily living activities. For example, in the case of a broken shoulder or hip, dementia, or…
Read MoreNew long term care benefit available to Prudential customers
Prudential Insurance has announced that its long term care coverage products will now include a benefit that offers a program providing personalized, high quality guidance to help them to achieve independent living through a single integrated source. This benefit is known as the Univita Living program, which was created by Univita Health, and is built on a foundation of significant knowledge and research from professionals with significant experience in health and long term care. What the program provides is the ability for families and individuals to locate, coordinate, and manage…
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