Health insurance costs for young cancer survivors are proving overwhelming


Many are skipping follow-up care as they are finding the expense to be prohibitive. A recent health insurance study has shown that young people who have survived cancer are commonly deciding not to take part in follow-up care because they are not able to afford the associated costs. The results of this research were published in the Cancer journal. The study examined the care progress of survivors of cancer between the ages of 20 and 39 years old. What they determined was that 67 percent who had never had a…

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Medical technology is a double-edged blade in the world of insurance and cancer

Advances in medicine are often hailed as major accomplishments, but little attention is paid to how medical breakthroughs affect the price of insurance coverage. Cancer, one of the deadliest diseases known to man, is a common focus when it comes to the medical world. Cancer itself has been around for millennia, but the 20th century has been host to the most promising progressions in fighting the disease. Medical technology has progressed rapidly in a relatively short amount of time, meaning that the insurance industry has been left to mitigate the…

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