California health care bill calls for state-run system

teamwork undocumented immigrant california health care reform bill

Looking forward to Congress’s likely repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the state is considering alternatives. The California health care system may be turned on its head if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. A state senator is looking to establish a state-run single-payer system through newly introduced legislation. This alternative system would allow the state to conduct the negotiations with providers and other companies. The proposed single-payer California health care system would have the state negotiating their own prices with providers and pharmaceutical companies among others. This would allow…

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California health insurance exchange for small businesses taken down

California health insurance

The SHOP marketplace in the state is now no longer available for businesses shopping for coverage. The most populous state in the country has now decided to take down the California health insurance exchange that was meant for small businesses, likely only temporarily, only four months after it had opened its doors in the first place. This could be seen as yet another blow to the health care reform law for keeping costs down for employers. Officials in the state revealed that they would be suspending enrollments occurring online through…

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