Too big to fail insurance corporations should be governered by different rules than the banking industry

The term “too big to fail” rose to prominence in the wake of 2008’s economic recession. Much like the effects of the recession, the phrase has lingered and has come to define certain aspects of the business world. Too big to fail is a categorization often attributed to massive corporations that have complex and expansive global business operations and deep ties with financial institutions. If these businesses were to fail, there may be disastrous implications for the global economy that go well beyond the problems born during the 2008 recession.…

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Post 9/11 insurance industry is vastly different, says report

This weekend marks the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks which brought down New York City’s World Trade Center. Since the attack, the political landscape has changed dramatically, a shift that has been mimicked throughout society as terrorism more people became aware of terrorism. Many things changed in the wake of 9/11, and while many of these changes resided within the boundaries of the nation, the entirety of the world’s insurance industry underwent a drastic shift. The Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I) has been studying the changes in the worldwide…

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Vietnam opens its doors to foreign insurers

Vietnam is opening the doors to its insurance industry, inviting foreign insurers to set up shop and do business within the country. The move comes as government officials begin to make significant changes to the country’s regulatory framework. Vietnam is home to one of the most rapidly growing insurance markets in the world and the rate of growth has only increased in recent years. A.M. Best Company, a renowned rating agency for the world’s insurance industry, expects that the demand for insurance will soar as the nation continues to develop…

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United Nations conference hopes to catalyze the global insurance industry

Canada is set to host the third of seven United Nations conferences that aim to establish sustainability principles for the world’s insurance industry. The United Nation Environment Program Finance Initiative’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance, is a new initiative enacted by the U.N. to help insurance companies manage environmental risks as well as their associated social implications. Insurance officials from all over the world will be attending the conference, hoping to glean some information on how to cope with what appears to be a volatile environmental flux. The increase in natural…

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