Institute of Medicine introduces new recommendations concerning insurance exchanges

Health insurance exchanges are, perhaps, the most accepted provision of last year’s Affordable Care Act. While some states have railed against the notion of the federally mandated program, most have been eager to explore their options. States have been slow to pass legislations making the exchanges possible, but have wasted no time in making preparations for the system. According to a new report from the Institute of Medicine, however, the future of insurance exchanges may be in jeopardy if federal legislators cannot solve the expensive flaws in the system. Exchanges…

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West Virginia continues to work toward a health insurance exchange backed by recommendations from state regulators

Despite the controversy and vague fate of the Affordable Care Act, West Virginia will be continuing to adhere to one of the provisions of the federal law. State lawmakers have determined that a health insurance exchange would serve the needs of the state well and, earlier in the year, tasked state regulators with researching the steps necessary to make the initiative a reality. Regulators have issued a series of updates to lawmakers, bringing them up to speed on what must be done and where money is needed most. A great…

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Institute of Medicine submits recommendations for national health care package

The Institute of Medicine, a non-profit independent organization comprised of medical and insurance professionals, has submitted recommendations to the federal government concerning a health care initiative that would make basic benefits available to all Americans. The organization was tasked by Congress to determine action regarding the initiative earlier this year. Researchers have been examining the potential impact the plan would have on the nation’s economy and how it would synergize with the overarching health care law. According to the Institute, such a plan is well worth the effort. According to…

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U.S. Justice Department joins appeals Supreme Court to hear case concerning federal insurance mandate

The U.S. Justice Department has joined the call from 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business for the Supreme Court to take up the issue of the federal insurance mandate that will be enacted in 2014. The mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act health care law brings major changes to the nation’s health care system. Now that the Justice Department has involved itself, the Supreme Court is likely to hear the case and reach a conclusion on the matter by the middle of 2012. The health…

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Georgian judges rule against federal health insurance mandate

A federal appeals court in Atlanta, Georgia, has ruled against the federal insurance mandate as laid out by the Affordable Care Act. The ruling from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is only the second in the nation where judges founding the mandate unconstitutional. This is a major victory for opponents of the health insurance mandate as the ruling will hasten the law to the Supreme Court where its ultimate fate will be decided. Georgia has opposed the concept of a federally imposed health insurance mandate since the law was…

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