Americans have a lack of trust for insurance agents, leading them to purchase less coverage

Insurance plays a vital part in protecting people against accidents, catastrophes, and illnesses to make sure that they and their families do not suffer tremendous financial hardships should any of those circumstances occur. However, many are hesitant to obtain policies because they feel that they cannot trust an agent or insurer. In the United States, the number of individual life policies that are purchased every year has fallen by 45 percent over the last quarter century, even though the number of households that include children has risen by more than…

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Increased sales boost net income for Marsh & McLennan 2Q

Marsh & McLennan Co. has reported that its income had a significant increase in the 2011 second quarter as a result of a sudden boost in the company’s insurance and consulting business, which led to greater revenues. This New York-based business services organization reported that its primary insurance business brought in a greater number of new clients and held onto more existing customers, which allowed sales for that branch of the company to increase by 11 percent. The net income for Marsh & McLennan rose by 19 percent by the…

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