Health insurance analysts claim more guidance needed before insurance exchanges can take root in Nebraska

Despite assistance from the federal government, many states remain torn on what to do about health insurance exchanges. In Nebraska, legislators are currently weighing their options. The burden of unanswered questions and vague concepts of federal regulations have slowed the states progress toward an exchange. Nebraska has turned to insurance analysts for aid, but was met with disappointment after analysts told legislators that more guidance from the federal government was needed before any move on an exchange could be made. In light of this news, the state is confronted with…

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Constitutional legality of health insurance mandate headed for the Supreme Court; President Obama is confident in its passing

Mere days after a federal appeals court in Washington declared that the individual insurance mandate posed by the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional; President Obama has proclaimed his confidence that the Supreme Court would uphold the measure. Several states have questioned the constitutional legality of the Affordable Care Act, but only a handful have sought to fight the federal law in court. The matter will, indeed, be heading for the Supreme Court, but it may be several years before it can be resolved, especially with an election year rapidly approaching.…

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Government doles out millions to help states build health insurance Internet-based marketplaces

The nation continues is slow, arduous trek toward the inevitable establishment of health insurance exchanges. Until very recently, the federal government has been very lax in terms of enforcing the mandate established by the Affordable Care Act that requires each state to erect their own insurance exchange program. Officials with the Department of Health and Human Services had originally wanted to allow time for states to warm to the notion of the exchanges, but have only been met with lukewarm interest. In fact, the rate at which states are building…

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Health insurance requirement likely headed to Supreme Court following rejection by appeals court

The panel at a federal appeals court has ruled against the heart of the Obama Administration’s healthcare reform, bringing into question whether or not Americans will actually be required to purchase a healthcare policy. The next step will be the U.S. Supreme Court. The panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals was made up of three judges. They were not unanimous, but ruled that Congress had stepped beyond its authority when they passed what is being called the “individual mandate”. Experts in the healthcare industry are saying that the…

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States prepare for health insurance rate control struggles

As it is the states that have control over the healthcare and health insurance within them, and not the federal government, it is now up to state officials to get the most out of the Obama administration’s reforms to the healthcare system to keep insurance rates under control. The federal government has been pushing insurers to hold back large increases in their rates and will, starting in September, make it necessary for insurance companies to experience greater analysis before they will be permitted to increase their rates by 10 percent…

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