Bitcoin companies are beginning to rely on the insurance industry

Bitcoin insurance industry news

Insurance industry is playing a larger role in the world of digital currencies Lloyd’s of London has released a new report that highlights the risks associated with digital currency, particularly Bitcoin. These currencies are becoming more common throughout the world, being used to purchase products online. In the case of Bitcoin, volatility is a very serious concern, as the value of a single Bitcoin fluctuates wildly on a regular basis. The report from Lloyd’s of London is meant to shed some insight on the risks associated with insuring businesses based…

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Bitcoin insurance is now available

Bitcoin insurance industry news

Insurance coverage for digital currency comes to the UK Digital currency has been making slow progress with consumers and businesses alike for several years. The idea of digital currency is quite attractive, especially as mobile technology becomes more important in daily life. The idea, however, is also problematic in that digital currency is susceptible to a wide range of problems as well as being very attractive to hackers. Bitcoin could be considered the premier digital currency and its history has been marked by volatility, theft, and exploitation. Now, however, Bitcoin…

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