Liability insurance coverage needs spike with popularity of drones

liability Insurance industry policy for drones

As businesses start to find a use for these unmanned flying devices, insurers are selling more policies. Commercial uses for drones are practically limitless and as businesses start to come up with reasons to use these flying devices, insurers are getting calls to make sure the appropriate liability insurance coverage is in place to cover the various perils that could be associated with them. Particularly the case in the United States for the last year, but other countries like Canada are s seeing similar trends. According to the Insurance Bureau…

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Insurance news for drone pilots shows coverage to get them flying

commercial drones crop insurance industry news

Many insurers are now writing their own rules to cover pilots who are finished waiting for federal regulations. Every day, thousands of drones fly low and high in the sky without receiving government approval, so the latest insurance news has shown that insurers have come up with their own safety regulations to help to fill the gap that has been left in place by official regulators. These drones are being used by movie studios, real estate companies, and other businesses and industries. The devices provide, among other things, an inexpensive…

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