Florida’s battle against fraud in the no fault auto insurance sector has felt like a losing battle over the last while, as one change to the regulations simply leads to a new form of fraud. There have been anti-fraud provisions made by the legislature in 2002, 2003, and 2007 following a grand jury fraud and abuse report in 2000. Unfortunately, none of these attempts to stop the fraud have made a dent in the cost of personal injury protection. According to the Coalition for Auto-Insurance Reform president, Peter Kinzler, there…
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Florida Legislature may be looking to change how the state’s insurance industry works as fraud continues to grow unabated
According to experts, Florida’s auto insurance industry is currently facing the possibility of changes or the outright elimination to the no-fault system, which may provide drivers who are well-insured with an appealing decrease in premiums, but may also increase the price of basic policies. In Florida, drivers must have at least $10,000 in coverage for personal injury. However, Governor Rick Scott has stated that he would prefer to make this an optional protection. Personal injury protection (PIP) system critics are saying that scam artists are provided with incentive to stage…
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