Just as it is important to obtain insurance coverage when you own a house or a car, it is equally important to protect your business. If you are the owner of a company of any size, it is highly recommended that you speak with an independent business insurance agent in order to find out about the types of coverage that are available to you, and to help decide which ones are right for you. This is a decision that should not be rushed, as shopping around will help you to…
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Identifying the insurance needs of a small business
One of the single most common problems with commercial insurance is, most small business owners understand that insurance is a necessity, but they struggle to understand what form of insurance is right for them. The need to make sure they have all of the coverage for their particular business, which can be very challenging, and no one wants to end up paying for more than they require. Often, it is advised that small business owners seek professional advice from trustworthy sources, such as an accountant, or an insurance broker or agent that specializes…
Read MoreAlabama tax deductions for small business insurance prolonged
Alabama governor Robert Bentley recently signed into law a bill that would extend the state’s existence income tax deductions for small businesses offering health insurance benefits. The new law will apply to the current tax year and state officials hope that it will drive down the unemployment rate. Small businesses all over the country have had to make cuts to the benefits they offer employees. Currently, the state’s unemployment rate is at 9.2%. Lawmakers believe that if they can encourage employers to hire more, many of the financial problems the…
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