Those hired by the state in North Carolina are seeking to participate in upcoming research.
Employees of the state of North Carolina, as well as their advocates, have announced that they feel that their voice should be included in research that will help in the planning of their workers compensation plans for the future.
They have said that they deserve to be able to contribute in the plans for their upcoming coverage.
The study in question is one that legislators in the state will be using for the creation of the workers compensation plans that will be implemented in the future. On Wednesday, a number of employees held a news conference within the General Assembly building. There, they made demands to participate in the research.
They wanted the study to include public hearings where people could give comments about the workers compensation.
They expressed their desire to make public hearings a part of the workers compensation research. This would allow both employees and constituents to leave their comments and opinions in order to be able to better fine tune the plan based on the needs and preferences of the residents who would be affected.
The employees were supported by the presence of UE Local 105 members, as well as those who agree with their cause from the North Carolina Justice Center as well as the N.C. Student Power Union. Their numbers were quite significant in making their statement about the importance of their contribution in the formation of the new workers compensation rules.
A health care technician from Goldsboro’s Cherry Hospital, Larsene Taylor, is also the vice president of UE Local 150. She made a statement about the topic that was discussed at the news conference. She explained that the employees of the state are already struggling to be able to support themselves and their families on the low wage rates that they have. She feels that their ability to make a meaningful contribution to the decisions that will be made about their futures is an important one.
The legislators are planning a research study of the workers compensation plans of the state employees. This includes career status, personnel protections, as well as longevity pay.