TD Insurance Inc. has announced that it is taking steps to make it simpler for its customers to monitor their own accounts so that they have added protection against identity theft.
The insurer, which is among the top 10 bank-owned insurance agency and brokerage firms in the country, as well as TD Bank, “America’s Most Convenient Bank”, are offering their customers the use of the ITAC Sentinel Plus program.
Its features include the following:
• Daily surveillance of debit and credit card accounts over the internet, with additional monitoring of the Social Security number of the customer.
• Monitoring of credit, and notification alerts from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, the three credit bureaus.
• Credit updates on a quarterly basis.
• Recommendations and instructions for the holding or replacement of cards that have been lost or stolen.
• Unlimited Service Education Specialist access.
• Availability of online tools for credit education.
• Identity theft insurance worth up to $20,000, with no deductible.
• ITAC Victim Assistance.
Customers can benefit from the ITAC Sentinel Plus program for a monthly fee of $12.99. It is most suited to individuals who have more than one financial account, who are considering a major purchase, or any individual who is looking to obtain fraud protection that is all inclusive.
This program eliminates the guesswork in the effort to prevent fraud and identity theft by making certain that the credit of the customer is undergoing daily monitoring and that the customer receives an alert via email when some types of activity are noticed.