Insurance coverage cessation proposal for cities and schools proposed by Gov. Scott Walker

School Insurance System Needs Overhaul

If the Wisconsin governor’s motion goes ahead, it would mean that private insurers would be required for plans. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has recently proposed a provision that would eliminate the state managed property insurance coverage, and that would require local governments and school districts to have to create their own funds or to look to private insurers if the provision is adopted by the Legislature. The current fund provides coverage for $52 billion worth of property, with an annual premium of over $27 million. The insurance coverage that…

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Insurers bring in teams from surrounding areas just to keep up with major storm activity

Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes tore their way through Wisconsin on Sunday. Businesses all over the state shut down as owners begin to assess the damage wrought by the unruly weather system. The state’s insurance companies are beginning to field claims from both business and home owners as they prepare for what has been a particularly devastating storm. The storm is expected to have a considerable impact on hundreds of jobs all over the state as several manufacturing companies temporarily close their doors to recover. Six businesses in the Merrill area…

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