Just by making a few tweaks, your home insurance costs can differ by hundreds of dollars. There are many variables that go into determining the costs of your home insurance and by being informed about what impacts these calculations you can make a more knowledgeable decision when purchasing your policy. An insurance broker is one of your best resources when it comes to shopping around and comparing policies, so be sure to enlist the help of yours for when you need help purchasing coverage. Also, a broker will be able…
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Northern Europe, Battered by Windstorm Christian (St. Jude): AIR Worldwide
According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Windstorm “Christian” smashed into southern Britain Monday, October 28, knocking over trees, flooding lowlands, and disrupting land, sea, and air travel. (Officially named “Christian” by the designated authority at the Free University, Berlin, the storm has also been called “St. Jude,” “Carmen,” and “Simone” by local weather agencies in other countries.) It was one of the strongest extratropical cyclones to hit the UK in a decade. Gusts of 160 km/h (100 mph) were reported on the Isle of Wight in southern England, and…
Read MoreScandinavia Hit Hard by Windstorm Dagmar
According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Windstorm Dagmar has moved across Russia north of St. Petersburg and begun to dissipate, its hurricane-force winds having caused power outages, tree- downings, and landslides and other disruption across northern Scandinavia on Christmas Day and the early hours of yesterday, December 27th. According to AIR, Windstorm Dagmar developed almost suddenly, the product of a large temperature contrast between cold air moving south from Greenland/Arctic Norway and warm air moving north from the Azores/Iberia. Its formation assisted by a rapid deepening of lows and…
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