Allstate recognizes Life Insurance Awareness Month with reminder to consumers

Allstate insurance technology

The insurance company has used September to underscore the financial security benefits of the coverage. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month and Allstate has recognized it by spreading the word. The insurer has been sharing information about the ways in which this type of policy can boost a family’s financial security. There are two primary ways upon which Allstate has been focusing to take advantage of life insurance benefits. The first is the central component of Life Insurance Awareness Month: buying a policy. That said, it recommends purchasing a policy…

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Life insurance being used by parents for their kids’ student debt

health insurance for student

The overwhelming amounts that are owed are leading to some unique protection strategies. A life insurance trend has been building over the last short while that has parents taking out policies on their children in order to protect themselves against the overwhelming student debt that they carry. Many parents co-sign on student loans, leaving them at a considerable risk if their children should die prematurely. It is becoming increasingly common for parents to protect themselves from the debts of their children’s educations by purchasing life insurance policies following their graduation…

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Life insurance maintains its importance in families with dependents

Life Insurance buying tips

The protection provided by this coverage is still an important element of financial planning. Despite the changes in the life insurance industry and the economy that continues to struggle, the coverage is maintaining its value for families that depend on the income of the policyholder. These policies provide families with a way to replace income that suddenly ceases if the earner should die. In order to take full advantage of life insurance, families should discuss the topic and make certain that they choose the form of the coverage that is…

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Who should buy life insurance?

Life Insurance

There is a great deal of information about these policies but consumers often wonder if it’s for them. With all of the information that is currently available about life insurance, and all of the various forms that can be purchased, it isn’t always easy to know if it will be something from which you will benefit. As with every type of product, it can be very beneficial to some people, and yet not to others. In terms of ensuring a family’s financial security, life insurance is typically considered to be…

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