Is Mutual of Omaha Burial Insurance Right for Seniors Above 60?

what is burial insurance

The next of kin of those who pass away end up facing many costs to contend with, including burial expenses. Insurance coverage for this specific purpose taken in your lifetime duly protects your dependents by offering adequate support. A burial life insurance policy is designed to safeguard your family, left behind to deal with your passing’s financial consequences. To cover the costs associated with your cremation, burial, and funeral service, opt for Mutual of Omaha burial insurance. Expenses that arise after death are significantly high, to the tune of thousands…

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Funeral insurance can help in a very difficult time

Many people consider funeral insurance, also referred to as burial insurance, to be much more expense than they will ever be worth, however, in a time when employment is unsecure, income is low, and savings have already withered to compensate for struggles during the global economic crisis, this protection can provide much needed assistance at a difficult time when no other help is available. Budgets in counties and states are rapidly shrinking, and while low-income individuals who could once turn to them for assistance if they found themselves facing the…

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