How Fake Accidents Could Be Driving Up Your Uber Ride Cost

Uber ride

Allegations of Staged Accidents and Unnecessary Surgeries Uber Technologies has taken a bold legal step, filing a racketeering lawsuit against a network of law firms, doctors, and pain management clinics. According to a recent article in Bloomberg, the company accuses these groups of orchestrating staged car accidents and conducting medically unnecessary surgeries to exploit New York’s no-fault insurance policies. Claims of Fraudulent Accidents and Unnecessary Medical Procedures Uber Technologies has initiated a significant legal case, suing a network of law firms, doctors, and clinics for allegedly orchestrating fake car accidents…

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New York Uber and Lyft drivers win battle for unemployment insurance benefits

Unemployment insurance benefits - Uber and Lyft drivers

The ride hailing drivers sued the state in May and a federal judge has now ruled in their favor. Lyft and Uber drivers recently won the right to receive unemployment insurance benefits immediately. The ruling was made by a federal judge who determined that the New York Department of Labor had taken too long to issue payments. The ruling was made by U.S. District Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall in Brooklyn this week. The judge cited a backlog of claims was occurring from ride-hail drivers who sued New York state in…

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