This shark is unimpressed with your lack of travel health insurance When you go on vacation, you don’t leave anything to chance. You make sure you have your reservations in place, all down payments squared away, an itinerary set up, and everything you need to take with you all ready to go. But if you skimp on medical insurance, you may be setting yourself up for some trouble, even if you already have a regular health insurance policy in place. Travel insurance is common enough, and it takes care of things…
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Travel insurance purchased by only half of vacationers
The results of a recent study have shown that travelers are not purchasing medical coverage before they leave. According to the results of a recent study on summer vacations, only half of Canadians who head out of the country during the summer purchase travel insurance to cover themselves in case of a medical emergency. This includes those who are headed to the United States or abroad on their vacations. The travel insurance study was conducted by BMO Insurance. What it determined was that among the 83 percent of Canadians who…
Read MoreThe Importance of Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies
A look into travel insurance… A note on terrorism, before we go deeper into the subject. Global terrorism is clearly a real threat, as the events (and indeed some of the wars) of the last 14 years have illustrated. It is also true that specific countries or parts of the world have, at different times, had or still have a problem with terrorists endemic to their own shores. Sri Lanka, for instance, experienced sporadic bombings and terrorist attacks during the long years of the war between the Tamils and the…
Read MoreTravel insurance policies that meet your needs and expectations
This coverage is not one size fits all. When you’re planning a vacation, it’s important to keep in mind that travel insurance is just as unique as all the other plans that you’re making. For this reason, there is no one policy that will suit all travelers. Regardless of whether you’re booking your trip online, or consulting a travel agent, it is normal to expect to receive a sales pitch for travel insurance. Though you may not believe that you need it, it is still worth considering. Travel insurance may…
Read MoreBusiness Travelers Refuse Trips to Risky Locations, Chubb Survey Finds
Nearly half of people surveyed would refuse to go on a business trip to a location they consider dangerous unless their employer provided them with emergency medical and other services, according to a survey by the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Twenty-three percent of business travelers indicated that they would refuse to go on the business trip; 21% said they go but would refuse to go on the next trip; and 14% would go but look for a new job after returning. Many employees, however, said they would take the…
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