How a tire gauge and other tools help you to avoid disaster

tire pressure winter auto care

A surprising number of crashes and accidents can be prevented with very small road safety efforts. Many drivers fall into the routine of heading out the door and down the street every day, to the point that they have all but forgotten about using their tire gauge and other simple tools on a regular basis in order to help to prevent some extremely avoidable emergency situations. Drivers aren’t necessarily careless or risk-takers but are pressed for time and don’t realize the importance of 2 minute efforts. Tire failure is far…

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The best tire gauge is one of the top lines of defense against El Niño effect on driving

Inflate tires best tire gauge

Recent research has found that driving conditions and behaviors change with El Niño. It’s no secret that changing weather patterns can make road conditions easier or harder to contend with but it was recently revealed in a Gauge Index survey by Hankook Tire America Corp. that people with the best tire gauge and who used it were among those best ready to contend with what El Niño would throw at them. The report looked into the various different types of American driving behaviors and the way the weather changed them.…

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What parts of a digital tire gauge help you to maintain your car?

Digital Tire Pressure Gauge ways to save money

If you’ve detected that your car seems a bit off as you’re driving, it may be a matter of wheel alignment. Wheel alignment, tire inflation and tread depth are all a very important part of the safe and efficient operation of your vehicle and many people don’t realize that a single digital tire pressure tool can give them everything they need to make sure they’re keeping up with the necessary adjustments. When your ride is off even slightly, you reduce the lifespan of your tires by a shocking amount, costing…

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A digital tire pressure gauge can boost vehicle control on wet roads

snow winter road safety ice auto insurance digital tire pressure gauge

When wet roads ice over, or when they are simply slick with water, proper tire inflation makes a difference. Accidents happen every day and when drivers fail to take the additional steps to maintain their vehicles, such as skipping the use of a digital tire pressure gauge that would check their inflation, they place themselves at an increase risk of experiencing a crash. This problem only gets worse in the winter and spring when the roads are icy, wet and slippery. Whether you live in a place where the roads…

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Is winter leaving your tires with low pressure?

Woman And Car winter travel seat belt cutter safety low pressure

With the cold settled in, drivers are reminded to use digital tire pressure gauges to stay safe on the road. Throughout the winter season, the cold temperatures can cause low pressure in tires that can reduce your handling on the roads. When road conditions are already limited from snow, slush and ice, and when visibility is reduced from blowing snow, late sunrises and early sunsets makes it more important than any other time that you be able to keep control while behind the wheel. Each of those limitations makes it…

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Drivers must winterize their vehicles from roof to tire

bigstock Car tires on winter road 103356746

Winter is definitely here and preparing your car to head out into it is better done late than never. The snowy weather is certainly upon a large amount of the country and while it is best to winterize everything – from each tire to the windshield and interior of the vehicle – well in advance of the cold weather, it’s better done late than never at all. When the thermometer mercury falls, the roads and a vehicle’s performance will change dramatically. Drivers who keep their vehicles (and driving habits) winterized…

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A good tire pressure gauge is a vital part of winter safety

auto insurance winter tire pressure gauge

You may have put your winter tires on, but if they aren’t properly inflated, they aren’t as effective. Across the United States and Canada, a growing number of insurance companies are offering discounts for careful attention to safety throughout winter months, such as using winter tires, but drivers should also be investing in a high quality digital tire pressure gauge to make sure their inflation is where it should be. Fluctuating temperatures make it especially important to keep an eye on tire inflation levels. On the Canadian side of the…

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