Sandy left a wide path of destruction in her wake when it slammed the U.S. North East. Although residents of the North Eastern United States had been hoping for the best, the hurricane insurance losses resulting from Sandy will likely hit the $5 billion mark and above. Insurers and others in the industry are already crunching the numbers from the “frankenstorm”. Even before beginning to perform these calculations, it was clear to the hurricane insurance industry that the numbers would run well into the billions. Fitch Rating, for example, said…
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Insurance news after Sandy has stocks tripping and falling
Despite the solid report in October, the insurers dropped sharply in the markets. Whether you call it the Superstorm or the Frankenstorm, the impact of Sandy on insurance news has been a significant one, particularly considering the damage it had on the stocks of insurers at the start of November. The Dow Jones industrial average fell by 139 points as more information about Sandy’s costs was revealed. Of course, the falling stocks were not limited exclusively to insurance news, as many large companies – such as Verizon Communications – that…
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