Many people think it costs considerably more to insure their vehicle than is actually the case. It’s that time of year again, when riders head back onto the road and have to make sure they have all the motorcycle insurance they require wherever they intend to go. It’s always a good idea to review your policy each year to be sure you still have the right coverage. Motorcycle insurance is required by law in most states across the country. While many riders will bristle at that news, what’s important to…
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State Farm maintains stability regardless of record breaking 2011 storms
State Farm has announced that although they faced a significant number of payments for catastrophe claims from some of the largest events in the quarter century history of the company, it has been able to maintain its financial strength. In 2011, State Farm’s combined net worth fell by $0.4 billion by the end of the year, bringing it to $60.8 billion. This includes the drop by $0.2 billion in the insurance company’s net worth in connection with the unaffiliated stock portfolios of the property and casualty companies. Moreover, those figures…
Read MoreState Farm announces closure of over twenty field locations
Last year was notoriously costly for insurers around the world. Natural disasters have taken their toll on many companies, causing some to close their doors and others to reevaluate their plans for continued operation. Given the recent catastrophes already occurring this year, companies are taking steps to save more money. State Farm is one such company, announcing plans for the closure of nearly 24 field offices in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. The big name insurer is looking to shrink the size of its operations. Offices that it will not be…
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