Just as it is important to obtain insurance coverage when you own a house or a car, it is equally important to protect your business. If you are the owner of a company of any size, it is highly recommended that you speak with an independent business insurance agent in order to find out about the types of coverage that are available to you, and to help decide which ones are right for you. This is a decision that should not be rushed, as shopping around will help you to…
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How to measure the risk of terror
Post anniversary to September 11, the horrible event occurring over ten years ago now, there has been a tremendous change to the way that border security and terrorism have been viewed in the United States. This is true of the government, businesses, individuals, and the insurance industry, which suffered tremendous losses to its own people when the planes hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Though damages resulting from acts of terrorism had been covered in typical all-risk commercial policies before the attacks, after…
Read MoreIdentifying the insurance needs of a small business
One of the single most common problems with commercial insurance is, most small business owners understand that insurance is a necessity, but they struggle to understand what form of insurance is right for them. The need to make sure they have all of the coverage for their particular business, which can be very challenging, and no one wants to end up paying for more than they require. Often, it is advised that small business owners seek professional advice from trustworthy sources, such as an accountant, or an insurance broker or agent that specializes…
Read MoreWorldwide disasters push commercial insurance rates higher
In the past 16 months, natural disasters all over the world have cost the insurance industry more than $100 billion. The financial impact of these catastrophes is compounded by the worldwide recession which severely impaired the industry as a whole. Insurers are struggling to reassert themselves in the world as the economy improves, and the only way to do so is by offsetting the cost of natural disasters with higher insurance premiums. Some commercial companies have already begun the process, raising rates on commercial insurance for the first time in…
Read MoreCargo theft is are out of control and costing companies millions
The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released its latest report on cargo theft for last year. They show more than 740 cargo thefts across the U.S. valued at more than 171 million dollars. Topping the chart for the states with the highest amount of thefts is California. Any time that merchandise is in transport from the shipper to its destination; regardless of transport method, it is considered as cargo. Most thefts occur mainly from truck or railcar mediums but thefts from air freight and goods in between transport modes are…
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