Many people consider funeral insurance, also referred to as burial insurance, to be much more expense than they will ever be worth, however, in a time when employment is unsecure, income is low, and savings have already withered to compensate for struggles during the global economic crisis, this protection can provide much needed assistance at a difficult time when no other help is available. Budgets in counties and states are rapidly shrinking, and while low-income individuals who could once turn to them for assistance if they found themselves facing the…
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Americans with life insurance feel their beneficiaries are capable of making a claim
The results of a survey by Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. has shown that 70 percent of policyholders of life insurance feel confident that the beneficiaries of the coverage would be capable of filing the claim when the time comes, and that the majority of those policyholders have made an effort to assist in the necessary preparation. The survey’s outcomes were released for Life Insurance Awareness Month, which is September. According to Nationwide Financial’s senior vice president of Individual Protection, Peter Golato, families can obtain financial security and stability from life…
Read MoreLife Insurance Awareness Month: LIFE Foundation may have trouble convincing consumers life insurance is worthwhile
September is Life Insurance Awareness month and many insurers have been launching campaigns to attract new clients. Many people often put life insurance in the back of their mind because the issue of death is both sensitive and uncomfortable. Because of the unsettling nature of the subject, a great number of people go without life insurance, justifying their decision with the intention of getting coverage in their latter years. Accidents, however, are unpredictable and life itself is notoriously fickle. Given that life can come to a sudden, unavoidable halt at…
Read MoreInsurers remind consumers of Life Insurance Awareness Month in September
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and insurers such as Northwestern Mutual, which has been named the Fortune magazine “World’s Most Admired” life insurance company for 2011, is witnessing a growth in the interest consumers have for their long term protection, as the insurer reminds people across the United States about the importance of life insurance to planning financial security. According to the vice president of life products at Northwestern Mutual, Dave Simbro, “Life Insurance Awareness Month is a great reminder for everyone to consider their life insurance needs”. He…
Read MoreNationwide answers probing questions in Florida
Representatives from Nationwide Mutual Insurance where called upon by Florida officials to testify on how insurers handle life insurance payouts in the state. Several of the state’s insurance companies have been the target of controversy lately after being accused by regulators of holding back payouts. Allegedly, these companies withhold funds despite having full knowledge that a policyholder has passed away. According to regulators, these funds may be being held in safekeeping until they are designated as unclaimed, at which point the insurer is no longer liable for payouts. Nationwide assured…
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