Health insurance is looking good for kids in Ohio

Children’s Health Insurance Program kids

Coverage has dramatically increased among children residing in that state. Even though the state of Ohio has been facing notable struggles with poverty rates, the children in the state have benefited from increasing health insurance coverage. This is particularly true in the 2011 statistics from Ross County. The number of uninsured children in Ross County fell from having been 9.1 percent in 2010, to a miniscule 0.9 percent last year. That accomplishment exceeded the state-wide scores, which dropped from 6 percent to 5.8 percent for children who did not have…

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U.S. states share a $296.5 million bonus for coverage of children without health insurance

Twenty-three states will be receiving their part of a total $296.5 million bonus for their accomplishments in assisting low-income families to take part in public health programs that provide their children with coverage. The payments are designed to give these states a reward for having streamlined their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program eligibility. The goal is to increase the coverage of children who are 19 years old or younger and who live in households of four family members with an annual income of up to $45,000. That said, some…

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