Drivers should be aware of the new requirements and make sure to have their proof of coverage handy. For anyone in Minnesota who is getting set to purchase a new car, is purchasing a new auto insurance policy or who is renewing a policy will need to be ready to comply with the new laws. Part of those new regulations involve having to provide proof of insurance information at certain times. For instance, for residents of the state who are looking to renew their license tabs on an existing vehicle,…
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Michigan drivers can soon show proof of auto insurance with their phones
Governor Snyder signs legislation to make showing proof of insurance more convenient Drivers in Michigan will soon be able to show proof of their auto insurance coverage using only their smartphones. Governor Rick Snyder has signed new legislation that makes this possible, noting that the goal of the legislation is to make everyday life easier for consumers that operate vehicles. The law itself is set to go into effect in three months. Before then, consumers will still need to provide physical proof of their auto insurance coverage. Officers will be…
Read MoreProof of auto insurance laws change in New Jersey
The state has now legalized electronic coverage cards at the same time that license plate rules have been altered. Two new laws have now become active in New Jersey that will have an impact on drivers, the first of which involves the way that they can provide proof of their auto insurance coverage and the other has to do with their license plates, which stated that plates can no longer be obscured. The first makes it possible for drivers to provide proof of insurance in an electronic form, such as…
Read MoreThe best portable battery charger could be the key to proof of insurance coverage
A growing number of states are allowing smartphones to be used to show auto policy cards. Recently, Ohio became the latest state to allow residents to display proof of auto insurance coverage through their smartphones, which means that owning the best portable battery charger available will become the next most important piece of technology in ensuring that this digital card will always be available. Among the most common forms of criticism of this program is that it is dependent on a battery. By making sure that the best portable battery charger is…
Read MoreOhio drivers can show proof of auto insurance on smartphones
As of this week, it is possible to display the proof of coverage card in digital format within the state. Drivers throughout the state of Ohio are now legally able to use electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets to display proof of auto insurance instead of having to produce the paper form of the card. This is now a legal way of showing proof of coverage when it is requested by police officers and state agencies. The law went into effect at the beginning of this week and it…
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