Children’s Health Insurance Program wins more funding

Children arkansas health insurance

Senate approves legislation to reform Medicare payments and secure CHIP funding A measure to extend the funding for the national Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has won unanimous approval from the U.S. Senate. Federal lawmakers have also approved a measure to reform the Medicare physician payment system, which could address issues concerning medical costs and the overall cost of the Medicare system itself. The measures approved by the Senate would replace the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate Formula with the Medicare Access system, ensuring that seniors have access to affordable outpatient…

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Flood insurance rate hikes set to hit Florida

Marco Island Florida Flood Insurance

Florida homeowners are preparing for major rate hikes as federal law’s provisions go active Florida homeowners are bracing themselves for a major increase in their flood insurance rates. Provisions of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 are set to take effect in the coming weeks and this will involve a major spike in insurance premiums. The law is meant to address the financial issues that have plagued the National Flood Insurance Program for the past several years. The federal program accounts for the vast majority of flood protection…

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Health insurance exchanges may fall short on enrollment

Health Insurance exchange marketplaces

Exchanges continue to struggle with technical problems Ongoing problems with the federal insurance exchange network in the U.S. may mean that the enrollment goals for may be impossible to meet. Exchanges throughout the country began operation on October 1, 2013, but relatively few people have been able to apply for coverage through exchanges managed by the federal government. Severe technical issues crippled in its early weeks, making it impossible for many people to apply for health insurance coverage through the federal exchange network. Agency lowers estimates concerning enrollment…

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Health insurance regulation receives growing support

Though the public still continues to debate over the benefits of the new mandate that will require all Americans to have health insurance, a new CNN/ORC International Poll has suggested that the support for this central element to the 2010 healthcare reform legislation has been increasing since June 2011. The results of this survey were released just as the Supreme Court has taken on the decision of whether or not the massive healthcare system changes by President Barack Obama, which was passed by a Democratic Congress, is indeed constitutional. It…

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Health insurance industry begins showing support for presidential candidates

The health insurance industry is beginning to show tentative support for political candidates in the upcoming election season, according to research from the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit political research group. The two candidates receiving this support are Republican Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama – the only candidates to have shown support for a health insurance mandate. Such mandates stand to benefit the health insurance industry and throwing support behind the candidate with the most popular health care policy may prove to be lucrative in the future. Health…

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