Unemployment insurance payments are slower than they were pre-pandemic

Unemployment Insurance form with pen

The difference varies from one state to the next, but overall, things are slower since COVID-19 hit. Not long aver the pandemic hit, the rate of joblessness in the United States spiked, sending millions of people to seek unemployment insurance benefits. The systems in every state were required to issue checks following a spike in claims handling. Because there was a sudden and sharp influx of unemployment insurance claims, the systems in place to manage them were not prepared for the numbers. This left people waiting for weeks – or…

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How Melbourne Insurance Brokers Are Doing Business In A Pandemic.

Insurance Broker

COVID-19 has slowed down many things, and the insurance sector has certainly not been left behind. Do not think for a moment that your insurance broker will leave you alone during these turbulent times. As long as you choose the best one, you are on the right track because they will walk with you to the very end. However, it is good to point out that this is the new normal and things will barely go back to how they were; therefore, make adjustments where you can. The pandemic has…

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