Pope’s visit to Philadelphia made insurance news with special event coverage

Pope Francis insurance news

The two day visit from the pontiff over the weekend led to a strategic effort to ensure full coverage. This weekend, Pope Francis visited Philadelphia, ending the six day visit to the United States, and among the headlines that this made, it also worked its way into the insurance news spotlight. The reason is that there were special event policies that were required in order to cover the apostolic journey. In Philadelphia, this insurance news involved a special event policy through multiple insurers, led by W.R. Berkley Corp. and OneBeacon…

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Insurance news from Scranton shows no more rape abortion coverage

Health Insurance news abortion rape

The college in Pennsylvania intends to stop its policies from paying for these procedures under those specific circumstances. The University of Scranton, a Jesuit school, has revealed insurance news affecting its employees, which showed that its insurance plans will no longer be providing coverage for abortion procedures following cases of incest, rape, or pregnancies that threaten the life of the woman. The college has said that this move aligns with Catholic doctrine and it is therefore removing the coverage from its employee plans. At the same time, the faculty union…

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