When your health insurance is sponsored by your employer, it is easy enough to know which policy to choose because it has typically been selected for you, but when you are unemployed, self-employed, or employed by a company that doesn’t offer this medical benefits, then it is up to you to find your own coverage. Use the following tips to help you locate the right policy and price to fit your needs: • Healthcare.gov – this federal government site provides a number of questions that you can answer in order…
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SAN FRANCISCO, CA – As the Affordable Care Act marks its second birthday and prepares for a date with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Bay Area Council continues its work to ensure that implementation of the landmark law remains focused on controlling costs, providing access for all and improving patient health. “The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was an important step toward the creation of a healthcare system that provides high-quality affordable care,” said senior policy advisor, Micah Weinberg. “We are working with policymakers to ensure…
Read MoreGender gap continues to play an important role in health insurance premiums
According to the latest research issued in a report by the research and advocacy group, the National Women’s Law Center, women continue to pay higher premiums than men for the same health coverage. In 2014, when the new healthcare laws are fully implemented, the discrepancy between what men and women will pay for health insurance will cease, but at the moment, many states continue to see significant gaps between the premiums of men and women without any indication that the insurers intend to shrink them. The report will become available…
Read MoreThe Californian perspective of the Affordable Care Act
Though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be a federal healthcare system overhaul, each state is experiencing it in its own way, and though Californians have already started seeing some differences since the act went into effect in March 2010, there will be a great deal more by the time it has been fully implemented in January 2014. So far, Californian health care has seen a few important changes. These include: • Ensuring that no new health insurance policies can include lifetime caps on benefits, so that individuals who are…
Read MoreColon Cancer Awareness Month reminds individuals to obtain supplemental insurance quotes
The month of March, Colon Cancer Awareness Month… is more than halfway over, but the American Cancer Society and other organizations are still urging everyone to take a moment to find out more about this disease, to practice proper early detection screening habits, and to make a donation to help improve research and care. It is also a good time to have a look at your coverage and decide whether or not you would benefit from supplemental cancer insurance. Many are choosing to do so before the end of the…
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