Former Secretary of Health and Human Services speaks out about insurance exchanges

The Affordable Care Act was first introduced as an initiative to overhaul the nation’s failing health care system. While its aims may be altruistic, the health care law’s most recognized success lies in the ruffling of feathers amongst politicians. Steeped in controversy, many state lawmakers are overlooking a key provision of the act, which dictates that all states must host a self-sustaining health insurance exchange. Turning a blind eye to this provision may weaken a state’s authority in their own insurance industry, says Mike Leavitt, former Secretary of the Department…

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Health insurance exchanges may be tilted in favor of insurance companies, thanks to new rules provided by the HHS

On Monday, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, unveiled a sleuth of federal rules that are to be used in governing health insurance exchanges. The rules, which will be in effect regardless of whether states choose to set up and exchanges themselves or pass that burden to the federal government, have a particular leaning in favor of insurers. This has drawn sharp criticism from legislators and the public, as the exchange programs have always been lauded as being consumer friendly. Now, there are concerns that…

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