If you’re hoping to save money on your auto insurance, then one of the most important factors that you should be considering is the type of vehicle that you’re driving, as this is one of the key factors that decides how much your rates will be. Overall, the rule of thumb is that if you want the very cheapest auto insurance, then a four door family-friendly vehicle will bring the best results. For example, the popular Town & Country by Chrysler is a vehicle that is considered to be both…
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What consumers need to know about gap insurance
We like to call it gap insurance, but even that isn’t fully correct as it also has gaps of its own. There appears to be a huge misconception when it comes to what people believe about gap insurance, and what it really is. To a lot of people they believe it covers everything their main insurance does not, as well as cover your car payments when you are unable to pay them yourself. This is not true, as you will find out what gap insurance DOES NOT cover, below. If…
Read MoreNAIC survey reveals ways consumers have been saving money on car insurance
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has released the results of a survey that determined the top ways that consumers have made lifestyle changes within the last year in order to save money with their car use to reduce their insurance fees. Over the last twelve months, 53 percent of Americans made this type of change with car insurance costs in mind. The insurance commissioners’ survey showed that the following changes were made by consumers: Among automobile owners, almost 20 percent exchanged their car for a less costly model…
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