One day, the savings could be big enough on coverage that it could make these vehicles practical. Insurers are always advertising different ways for consumers to obtain an auto insurance discount that is large enough that it will entice them into switching to their policies, and with the introduction of new technologies such as self-driving cars, it appears as though an entirely new world is opening up for drivers and the companies that cover them, says a recent survey. Google has already produced a prototype for this type of vehicle,…
Read MoreTag: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Survey: “Would You Trade Your Privacy For Lower Car Insurance Rates?”
Survey and Guide by According to a recent press release, the NHTSA aims for all cars manufactured after 2014 to come with a little black box (Event Data Recorder – EDR). Proponents stress increased safety and savings on insurance premiums, while opponents underline the threat to privacy and even forecast increased premiums; wraps up and issues a survey to ask consumers how much do they value their privacy. The initiative by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) would require all cars manufactured after August next year to…
Read MoreAuto insurance news for Ford Fusion drivers is good
The vehicle has just achieved an important milestone for its manufacturer and its drivers. Ford has just been given an important boost by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which has just rated the 2013 Fusion and Fusion Hybrid the top vehicle safety rating, which is great news for both the manufacturer and the drivers who must pay for the auto insurance to cover it. Ford has issued a press release in which it has expressed its pride in the safety achievement of the vehicle. According to the global…
Read MoreAuto insurance rates could change with improved texting enforcement
Federal grants are assisting authorities to crack down on illegal cell phone behaviors behind the wheel. Drivers who have been able to get away with texting behind the wheel because it is easy to dodge the enforcement of laws against the dangerous behavior, may now be fining that this is no longer the case, and getting caught will send their auto insurance premiums skyward. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in new federal grants are helping authorities to catch texting drivers the act. An analysis performed on quotes from the leading…
Read MoreInsurance news calls counterfeit air bags an “extreme safety risk”
Thousands of drivers could be placing themselves and their passengers in danger. The Obama administration has been making insurance news in the auto industry with an announcement that the thousands of motorists that are currently on the roads in trucks and cars that have counterfeit airbags installed should take the step to replace them at their own expense. The reason is that these supposed safety devices can be very dangerous and replacing them could save lives. According to insurance news from officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),…
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