Employer sponsored health insurance here to stay

employer sponsored Health Insurance

Study takes aim at employer-sponsored health insurance The Affordable Care Act has created a degree of uncertainty surrounding the issue of employer sponsored health insurance. The law is slated to make significant changes to the U.S. health care system, but the majority of these changes will not go into effect until 2014. The law was passed in 2010, providing ample time for worry and concern to take root in consumers and businesses alike. A recent study from Towers Watson, a leading professional services firm, takes aim at the issue of…

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Health insurance rate growth for employers may be slowing

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National Business Group on Health releases new report concerning employer-sponsored health insurance The National Business Group on Health, a conglomeration of companies in the public sector, has released a new report forecasting the future of employer-sponsored health insurance. The report, which is the latest in an annual series, surveys 342 businesses and examines their stance on providing health insurance for their employees. Over the past several months, employers have expressed concern for the apparent rapid pace at which health insurance rates were growing. The report suggests that this may not…

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Survey shows that health insurance is growing more expensive but also more restrictive

A new survey released yesterday by Towers Watson, a leading professional service and consulting firm, and the National Business Group on Health, a trade organization, claims that health insurance is getting more expensive, but is also covering much less than it used to. The survey, which targeted several large companies throughout the U.S., shows that employees are paying more for their coverage this year than they have in the past. They are also subject to more restrictions on their insurance and health care options, with many benefits being cut by…

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