Many of us spend a large portion of our incomes on car maintenance, repairs, and auto insurance. To help decrease the high costs associated with car ownership, it is extremely beneficial to be cognizant of ways to save on auto insurance. Auto insurance can get expensive, but many people are unaware of the auto insurance discounts available to them. Below is an overview of several types of auto insurance discounts you may not know about. Have Multiple Cars Under the Same Insurance Policy If you own more than one car,…
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Car Insurance 101: Do You Know How You’re Covered?
Every car nationwide is required to have at least the state’s required minimum liability insurance. If a vehicle is financed through any lender, they will likely require the owner to hold a certain amount of comprehensive and collision coverage on top of the state mandated liability insurance. It is important that drivers in all states know what type of coverage they need on their vehicles and what kind of discounts they are eligible for to keep rates low. Any driver who is educated on the different discounts on their car…
Read MoreAllstate to drop policies for homeowners that have not bundled their auto insurance policies. Other insurers may follow example
In North Carolina, some 70,000 homeowners are on the verge of losing their insurance coverage if they do not purchase auto insurance from Allstate. The large insurer announced last year that it would be dropping customers who did not bundle their property and auto insurance together through the company. Allstate’s plan affects nearly 50,000 consumers throughout the state, but the North Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co., the third largest property insurer in the state, is following Allstate’s example and may drop roughly 20,000 policyholders if they do not get…
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